Friday, July 10, 2015

Nanzoin Temple: Reclining Buddha

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! It hasn't been as hot in Kobe as it usually is so I have absolutely no complaints here :) Onto today's post now! ^^

Many people know about giant bronze Buddha statues in Kamakura and Nara, but the reclining Buddha at Nanzoin Temple isn't as well-known despite being one of the largest bronze statue in the world. Nanzoin Temple is about a twenty or twenty-five minute ride from Hakata and only a few minutes walk from Kido Nanzoin-mae Station. Numerous shrines are scattered around its complex (although I didn't have enough time to visit them. The mosquitoes did a wonderful job of keeping me away as well...) and the temple was actually moved from Mt. Koya, a famous pilgrimage destination located in Wakayama, in 1899. Nanzoin is also a famous for its Sasaguri Pilgrimage which is a 1,200km course that includes 88 temples.

While the daibutsu at Nanzoin may not be as tall as the ones in Kamakura and Nara, it has an impressive length of 41 meters and weighs in at 300 tons. Pay 500 yen and you can go inside the body! The reclining Buddha is quite rare to see in Japan since many of the statues seen are in a sitting pose so it was a first for me to see a daibutsu in this pose. 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

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