Monday, June 9, 2014

Sports Day Part 1

Happy Monday everyone! :)

Here's the first part of my Sports Day post from one of my elementary schools. For privacy purposes, none of these photos will show the students' faces, but I'll try my best to find a variety for you guys! Sports Days are always a highlight of the year for me and I was very fortunate to be able to make it to my school's one this year! It started at nine o'clock and ended a little after three in the afternoon with a lunch break in between. The students are split into two teams: red team and white team and they compete against each other in a variety of events and competitions although some programs were not competitive. Gotta give the kids, parents and teachers so much credit for being outside in the hot sun for the entire day!

Taken from the third floor. The students bring out their chairs and set them up around the track for the day. 

Because of the numerous programs that take place throughout the day, a schedule of the events was taped to the back of their chairs :)

After the students marched in, listened to a couple of speeches and did their stretches, it was time for 綱引き(つなひき)or tug-of-war between various grade levels. 

The students weren't the only ones who participated! Parents and spectators were also given a chance to compete against each other.

Nothing like having a kind, elderly man going up against a much younger guy! 

Next was 紅白対抗リレー (red and white competition relay) between the two teams.

Jogging back to their seats after the event was done.

Trophies to be handed out at the end of the day. I thought it was nice that both teams would get something :)

Most schools hire a photographer to capture the entire day for them and my school was no different :]

One of the 3rd and 4th graders' event was ステイック ワルド (stake world??) and they had some fancy poses to show :)

Part 2 will be up next! :) Thank you so much for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful week ^^

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