Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saving Money: Setting Aside Your Coins+ Update

Happy Saturday everyone!

Sorry for such a lack of posts. Things have been pretty slow these past couple weeks, but I just wanted to share another money-saving tip with you all :) A few years ago, my parents started setting aside every $5 bill that they received. If they bought something and a $5 bill was in their change, they would put it away and not touch it. At the end of the month, they deposited all of their $5 bills and it really added up!

Since coming to Japan, I've been doing the same thing. I set aside every 500 yen coin that I receive and then deposit it into my bank account at the end of the month. As soon as I get home, I put any 500 yen coins that I have into a coin purse and will not touch it. Imagine my surprise when I realized that I had 14,000 yen in 500 yen coins in a little coin purse after one month! This month hasn't been as much, but it still makes a nice difference when I deposit the money :) It might be hard to resist the urge to spend your $5 or 500 yen on something small like a lunch or a few snacks, but it will add up and both you and your bank account will be grateful for it in the future ^^

On to my short update! My trusty camera finally gave out on me about three weeks ago so I haven't had a camera until this week when my new one came in~ :D It's a Nikon D3200 and it weighs significantly less than my D70 did! So far, I'm very impressed with it and will be exploring Kyoto for the first time tomorrow with a couple girlfriends so I will be sure to take lots of pictures to share with you all!  Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

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